The FAIT Fellowship is a unique opportunity to complete your IT-related degree with academic funding while you prepare for an exciting and rewarding career in the Foreign Service.

Accepting the FAIT Fellowship means committing not only to your obligations as a FAIT Fellow, but also to entering the Foreign Service as a Diplomatic Technology Officer (DTO) with a five-year commitment. So before you make the decision to apply, we encourage you to gather as much information as you can about what the DTO role entails.

Download this PDF presentation for an overview of:

  • The U.S. Department of State’s commitment to diversity
  • What the Foreign Service does
  • The career progression of a DTO
  • Job security and stability
  • Salary and the factors that affect the salary range
  • The importance technology in supporting diplomacy
  • The types of training opportunities you will have
  • Work-life balance
  • The Foreign Service lifestyle
  • Housing or housing allowances for overseas posts
  • Benefits of working for the Foreign Service