The Foreign Affairs Information Technology (FAIT) Fellowship is not only a unique opportunity for highly qualified college students to receive academic funding, internships and mentorship from the U.S. Department of State – it is also a path to your career in the Foreign Service.

Part of your eligibility for the FAIT Fellowship program is your ability to enter the Foreign Service as a Diplomatic Technology Officer (DTO) upon completion of the program. So, before you apply to the program, you should be aware of the Foreign Service eligibility requirements that you must be able to obtain and maintain to stay in the program.

If you believe you may have issues that could affect receiving the required clearances and/or meeting the minimum medical qualification standard, you should reconsider whether to move forward with your application.

Top Secret Security Clearance

As soon as you are selected for the FAIT Fellowship, the Department of State will request that you complete and submit a security clearance application within about two weeks. You’ll be asked to submit fingerprints to the Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security as the first step in the security clearance process. The background investigation includes interviews with current and previous contacts, supervisors and coworkers. Fellows who do not receive a security clearance are unable to continue in the Fellowship.

How long does it take to get a security clearance?

The time needed for security clearance determination processing varies depending on a number of factors. The security clearance process involves a comprehensive background investigation, conducted by the U.S. Department of State in cooperation with other federal, state, and local agencies. This investigation provides the information necessary to determine a candidate’s suitability for appointment to the Foreign Service and for a Top Secret security clearance.

Candidates who hold dual citizenship, have had extensive travel, education, residence and/or employment overseas, or who have foreign contacts, a foreign-born spouse, immediate family members, or relatives who are not citizens of the United States, should be aware that the clearance process will take longer to complete.

What factors are considered?

The process considers such factors as: failure to repay a U.S. Government guaranteed loan or meet tax obligations; failure to register for the Selective Service; past problems with credit or bankruptcy; unsatisfactory employment records; a criminal record or other violations of the law; drug or alcohol abuse; and less than honorable discharge from the armed forces.

Suitability Review

Once you’ve completed the background investigation and medical examination, a State Department Suitability Review Panel will examine your file (minus any privileged medical information) to determine your suitability for employment with the Foreign Service. The Suitability Review Panel has the authority to terminate your candidacy.

What is the purpose of the Suitability Review?

The attainment of U.S. foreign policy objectives depends substantially on the confidence of the public (both American and foreign) in the individuals selected to serve in the Foreign Service. The Department of State, therefore, requires the highest standards of conduct by employees of the Foreign Service, including an especially high degree of integrity, reliability, and prudence. Given the representational nature of employment in the Foreign Service, employees must always observe proper standards of conduct. The purpose of the suitability review is to determine, from the candidate’s total record, whether the candidate is indeed suitable to represent the United States. The Suitability Review Panel has the authority to terminate a candidacy.

What factors are considered in the Suitability Review?

In evaluating suitability, the Suitability Review Panel takes into consideration the following factors:

  • Misconduct in prior employment, including marginal performance or inability to interact effectively with others.
  • Criminal, dishonest, or disgraceful conduct.
  • Misrepresentation, including deception or fraud, in the application process.
  • Repeated or habitual use to excess of intoxicating beverages affecting the ability to perform the duties and responsibilities of the employee’s position.
  • Trafficking in or abuse of narcotics or controlled substances.
  • Reasonable doubt as to loyalty to the U.S. Government.
  • Conduct which clearly shows poor judgment and or a lack of discretion which may reasonably affect an individual or the agency’s ability to carry out its responsibilities or mission.
  • Financial irresponsibility, including a history of not meeting financial obligations or an inability to satisfy debts.

You must be able to obtain and maintain a suitability clearance to remain in the FAIT Fellowship program.

Minimum Medical Qualifications Standards

You must meet the Department of State’s minimum medical qualification standard. After you the pre-employment medical examination, the Bureau of Medical Services of the Department of State determines whether you are medically qualified for hire as a Foreign Service Specialist.  The purpose of a medical review is to identify specific health needs and medical conditions that may require specialty management, follow-up, or monitoring.

You must be able to meet the minimal medical qualification standard to remain in the FAIT Fellowship program.

Where to Find More Information

Read more about the other eligibility requirements in this article and on the How to Apply web page. If you have questions, please send us an email at